Greetings Beloved, In the Precious Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
I'm Rev. John McFarland, and I'm excited to welcome you once again to the Wonderful Counselor experience of prophetic outreach ministry and apostolic empowerment for your life, which is in modern terms, your "spiritual life coach".
“I Am Here To Call You Forth Into God’s Kairos Time:
To Confirm And Accelerate Your Heavenly Vision,
To Declare And Reveal Your Windows Of Opportunity;
To Open Doors To Your Future,
Which Can Never Again Be Closed;
And Close Doors To Your Past,
Which Can Never Again Be Opened."
During the course of this upcoming year, as I edit the book inspired by this experience, we will begin posting excerpts of the principles gleaned here, which you can already begin to meditate upon for yourself; since the Holy Spirit is no respecter of persons, when we "ask for wisdom, and doubt not." What does it mean for us to "dote upon", and "earnestly desire", in a biblical context? What is "lawful entitlement", and what is not? Are you presently experiencing "servant gaurdianship" in your life, or is someone usurping false authority over you? We hope to soon answer all the questions inspired by the words of our Apostolic Manifesto. Of course, these are things apostles have been doing for generations, even without having a definitive explanation; so we have no desire to steal anyone's thunder, but rather increase the flash of your lightenings.
The apostle Paul wrote in Romans 1:11, “For I long to see you, that I may impart unto you some spiritual gift, to the end you may be established”. I was led by the Holy Spirit to do a Greek word study of all these words and their associated roots in this passage of scripture in order to develop a working understanding of the entire scope of what the apostle was conveying to the hearers by this declaration of his intention toward them. Every word has a denotation, which is the most commonly applied meaning, or interpretation, as we translate from one language to another; but every word also has, more or less numerous, connotations based upon their emerging application and correspondence to other words when used in the comparative descriptions of ongoing generative experiences. So while the denotations appear at first to be a simple declaration, the connotations open up a vast horizen of expectation to the hearer in the original language, as paraphrased here. The Holy Spirit was now about to release my full understanding into a new dimension, as I submitted to doing this word study. This was to become an Apostolic Manifesto to introduce our ministry to others. “Manifesto” is defined as “a public declaration of one’s principles, policies, and intentions, especially of a political nature”. There is most definitely a politic of the Kingdom of God, however unique, which declares in Isaiah 9:6,7 that “the government shall be upon His shoulder”, and “of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end", both "to order it and to establish it with justice and judgment.” There needs to be an apostolic accountability of "principles, policies, and intentions" by which we can measure ourselves and set a standard to judge the integrity of others. As my father used to proclaim, "I say what I mean, and I do what I say". This is what our Wonderful Counselor ministry offers you...
"I Dote Upon, And Earnestly
Desire, Lawful Entitlement And
Servant Guardianship Of You,
In A Relationship Of Both
Direction And Distribution;
Accompanying You, By Close
Proximity And Participation,
From The Point Of Origin
Forward To The Destination;
Allowing Me To Impart,
Give Over, And Share My Gift
With You; Until I Fully Transfer,
Sequence, And Set In Order
A Divinely Supernatural
Regenerate Endowment
Of The Holy Spirit,
Sufficient To Replenish You
To The Point Of Jubilation;
By Being Resolutely Turned,
Redirected, And Confirmed:
Fully Established, And
Steadfastly Settled.”
During the course of this upcoming year, as I edit the book inspired by this experience, we will begin posting excerpts of the principles gleaned here, which you can already begin to meditate upon for yourself; since the Holy Spirit is no respecter of persons, when we "ask for wisdom, and doubt not." What does it mean for us to "dote upon", and "earnestly desire", in a biblical context? What is "lawful entitlement", and what is not? Are you presently experiencing "servant gaurdianship" in your life, or is someone usurping false authority over you? We hope to soon answer all the questions inspired by the words of our Apostolic Manifesto. Of course, these are things apostles have been doing for generations, even without having a definitive explanation; so we have no desire to steal anyone's thunder, but rather increase the flash of your lightenings.
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