Wonderful Counselor Announcement

Wonderful Counselor Announcement

Rev. John McFarland

Rev. John McFarland

Confirming The Saints Mission Statement

Confirming The Saints Mission Statement

Monday, February 3, 2014

Monday Morning Quarterbacking

Okay! The Big Game is over, and now everyone is talking about it, and what they would have done differently, if they had been the Quarterback. The real question is what would you have done differently before the game. Would you have run more practice plays of your own in scrimmages, paid more attention to the other teams game films to figure out what are the most successful plays they like to run against other teams, or just got to bed earlier the night before. There are a great many more things involved in winning a football game than most of us understand, or can take into consideration on a moment's notice; just like our own lives.

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