Wonderful Counselor Announcement

Wonderful Counselor Announcement

Rev. John McFarland

Rev. John McFarland

Confirming The Saints Mission Statement

Confirming The Saints Mission Statement

Monday, February 6, 2012

Prophecy 6

Thus saith the Lord...

If I give you something to think about will you follow it to the very end of it's possibilities, and continue to allow it to speak to you until it is finished speaking everything that you need to hear in this new season of your life, even as "day unto day utters speech and night unto night shows knowledge". I have spoken many things to you in the past which you have not pursued to the full measure of your heart, mind, soul, and strength. If only you would simply remember there is a measure of strength within you just beyond what you perceive to be possible, and stretch yourself to enter more fully into all those things. Perhaps I will speak to you in a parable, or fashion some metaphor out of your own experience, or from what you see in the lives of others round about you; and yet interpretations still belong to God. I have given you wisdom and instruction so there are certain things you might recognize immediately, but there are other things over which you must still wait upon me for an answer. There are so many who desire to put all things into a box, and break down the issues of life into personal laws over which they may exercise their own judgement and control: towards justifying themselves and condemning others. But there are so many things in which I desire for you to lean upon me and not to your own understanding, wherein first knowing the right question is more important than the answer. If you find the right answer to the wrong question, then you still have nothing but presumption, until you hear another voice behind you in the way correcting your mistake. Often your answers are based upon the limited questions you ask and presume to superimpose upon situations in which you have no understanding of what I'm actually doing; where what you see is only the tip of the iceberg, or one of many turns in the road to bring someone to a destination where you can finally speak into their heart and have them receive my word from you. I will heal you in all the issues of your heart and mind as you stay yourself upon me. You do not need to know the end of every matter from the beginning, for I neither slumber nor sleep. You may say with the psalmist, "I will both lay me down in peace and sleep, for you O Lord only make me to dwell in safety".


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