Wonderful Counselor Announcement

Wonderful Counselor Announcement

Rev. John McFarland

Rev. John McFarland

Confirming The Saints Mission Statement

Confirming The Saints Mission Statement

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Prayer Works, But...

Prayer works, but... sometimes it takes longer to get the answers than we might like. "If any of you are afflicted let him pray." Sometimes we are expecting the prayer of others to make the difference for us, but prayer is in the details; and who knows those details better than you. "The curse doesn't come without a cause." Only sometimes we go into denial and suppress those things which we actually knew at the outset in order to get away from the pain. In Job, we are told, "If you embrace the pain you will discover what it is trying to tell you." A positive profession of faith about what God wants to do or you, only works if you really know what is wrong and acknowledge your need, so you can specifically speak the correct aspect of His multi-faceted Word to that precise issue. Remember, as King David said, the Lord "teaches my hands to war, and even my fingers to fight". Ask and He will tell you how to get down into the details for a more speedy answer! Amen.

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