Greetings Beloved, In the Precious Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
I’m Rev. John McFarland, and I’m excited to welcome you to the second year of our blog, and invite you to a further experience of Wonderful Counselor’s prophetic outreach and apostolic empowerment through symposium ministry events offered to establish and settle your faith in God’s purposes in our lives individually as well as collectively as “members in particular of one another” in the Body of Christ. We are seeking God’s matchless grace to be able to effectually meet your needs during New Year 2012, whose biblical numeric value of "twelve" is symbolic of the perfections of "divine government”. We believe this year will be the one in which we see the Kingdom of Heaven by the intervening hand of God setting in order those things we have not previously been able to establish and accomplish for ourselves in the past.
Now 2011 is finally over, what do you remember about the biblical symbolism of the number 11, and how did your personal experience during the past year correspond to that expectation, whether as a victim of circumstances or as an over-comer because you knew what to expect and how to be prepared to side step the pitfalls. What about the number “eleven”? If ten is the number that references the continuity of divine order, then eleven adds something to it. Only, what it adds, actually subverts and takes away from that alignment, by creating an imbalance; giving you something, but not quite everything you need. It is an odd number, rather than even, and there is always something left over, or left out, to distract us. So then, if twelve is the number of divine government, then eleven falls short of it. Whether we regard it as being 10+1=11 or 12-1=11, we are faced with a number which is marked by ongoing disorder, disorganization, disintegration, and imperfection.
So what about the number "twelve"... Work In Progress
So what about the number "twelve"... Work In Progress
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